為培養具國際視野的新世代領袖人才,長風基金會針對在校大學生及碩士生,積極舉辦「長風青年領袖營」。在長達10個月的領導培訓課程中,將由具有執政經驗的學者專家、重量級知識分子、民間社團領袖以及知名企業家面對面分享領導與實務經驗。同時,為拓展青年朋友的國際視野,基金會將進一步從參與者中選拔優秀學員,安排赴美國加州「亞太美國領袖學院」(Asian Pacific American Leadership Institute, APALI)受訓,並進行豐富精彩的國際交流。
A critical discourse analysis approach will be also introduced in the context of the humanities so that we can better understand contemporary Korea.
Ewa Atanassow is Professor of Political Thought at Bard College Berlin. In her new book, she argues that democracy’s prospects depend on how we tackle three dilemmas that were as urgent in Tocqueville’s day as they are in ours: how to institutionalize popular sovereignty, how to define nationhood, and how to grasp the possibility and limits of global governance.