The Center for Taiwan Studies at UT Austin is sponsoring this webinar to advance the scientific study of Taiwan politics, with a special focus on survey research and experimental design in the study of public opinion.
The European Union and United States recently created the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) to promote transatlantic cooperation. Many of the TTC working groups focus on dual use technologies that could affect China’s military capabilities. How does this affect Taiwan?
國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心舉辦「2022 Win the PRIDE:用指標說故事」競賽活動
歡迎參加本所舉辦111年10月14日(五) 2022 E-Society Summit: Digital Governance—Explorations, Practices, and Criticisms
演講轉知:"Neither Withdrawal nor Resistance: Adapting to Increased Repression in China"