

15 Jun 2024


04 Jun 2024

Ronald A. Pernia:The Emotional Underpinnings of Threat Perceptions and Its Impact on (Anti)democratic Support in Taiwan: Preliminary Insights from An Original Survey

This study argues that while emotional distress does not inherently result in political distrust or prompt citizens to support authoritarian policies, certain emotional states can lead some individuals to rally behind a strong leader. This finding nuances the existing literature on the emotional foundations of democratic and autocratic support.
31 May 2024


威廉·詹姆士(William James)是當代實用主義的重要代表。實用主義哲學強調「行動」、「心法」與「經驗」的重要性,是個人行動與社群價值的互動的重要關鍵。本講座將探討詹姆士的個人主義思想及其對當代社會的影響,並與另一位實用主義創發者查爾斯·桑德斯·裴爾士(Charles Sanders Peirce)的社群觀點進行對比。這是一次理解個人與社群關係,以及實用主義在現代社會應用的絕佳機會。誠邀對此主題感興趣的同學參加。
27 May 2024


戰爭從只有飛機大砲轉變成民主韌性扮演關鍵角色。本次演講聚焦在-威權國家如何從認知影響著手,實踐戰爭的costdown? 從資料學的證據出發,解析認知戰的策略跟效果,預計能為師生提供新的戰略思維並帶來反思兩岸情勢的嶄新切入點。
23 May 2024


30 Apr 2024

David Skidmore : Competitive Convergence: China’s Challenge to the Global Development Finance Regime and the Western Response

China's ascent as a major development financier reshapes global finance. While its multilateral impact aligns with existing norms, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) operates beyond Western frameworks, exporting China's infrastructure-led model. Western criticism prompts the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII). China adjusts BRI amidst backlash, introducing the Global Development Initiative for softer lending. This competition indicates an evolving finance regime, mixing old norms with diverse funding. Rivalry shifts from neoliberalism to a statist embedded liberalism akin to early Bretton Woods principles.
23 Apr 2024

黃紀 : 網調實驗在政治學中之應用

在個資保護意識抬頭的今日,面訪資料取得已相當艱難。結合實驗的網路調查成了學界繼續探討因果關係與原理的重要途徑。研究個體層次的現象、⺠意、態度、偏好、行為的學者及後起之秀必須跟上腳步充份認識 這個趨勢。本講邀請到深受國內社科界推崇的旗艦級學者,為你深入淺出的回顧這個方法論的精華,並帶領我們前瞻實證研究的未來。
18 Apr 2024

戴立安 :從2024總統大選回看民調的品質與預測

17 Apr 2024

村岡大志:How Do Electoral Systems Impact Candidate- VS. Party-centric Voting?

When we make voting decisions, we often take into account candidate- and party-level considerations. In this lecture, we aim to understand how different electoral systems influence the ways in which we balance the two types of considerations. After introducing several typologies of electoral systems, we first evaluate how electoral systems have contemporaneous effects on whether we cast a candidate- or party-centric vote. Then, we assess whether electoral systems can also have long-term habit-forming effects on how we vote.