戴立安 :從2024總統大選回看民調的品質與預測
村岡大志:How Do Electoral Systems Impact Candidate- VS. Party-centric Voting?
When we make voting decisions, we often take into account candidate- and party-level considerations. In this lecture, we aim to understand how different electoral systems influence the ways in which we balance the two types of considerations. After introducing several typologies of electoral systems, we first evaluate how electoral systems have contemporaneous effects on whether we cast a candidate- or party-centric vote. Then, we assess whether electoral systems can also have long-term habit-forming effects on how we vote.
Emilian Kavalski:Geopolitics of Eastern Europe in the Wake of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has reverberated across the geopolitical landscape of Eastern Europe, reshaping alliances, security dynamics, and regional stability. As the world watches these unfolding events, grasping the multifaceted geopolitical implications becomes paramount. This talk delves into the intricate web underlying this crisis, while also examining its far-reaching consequences and potential future trajectories for the region and beyond. Join us as we unravel the complexities shaping the geopolitics of Eastern Europe in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Eric C.C. Chang : Political Corruption and Democratization in Asian Democracies
What contributes to the persistence and even the growth of political corruption in many Asian democracies post-democratization? What accounts for the varying accountability outcomes of democratization across different Asian nations? More generally, what is the relationship between democratization and corruption? This study seeks to address these questions.
International Conference on Multilayered Governability(Institute of Political Science at NSYSU X Institute of Public Governance at KHU)
韓國慶熙大學公共政策與公民參與研究所(Graduate School of Public Policy & Civic Engagement)於1/30訪問中山大學。並與中山大學社會科學院在政治所演講廳簽署專屬學術交流合約,以促進國際合作。
Bruno Kaufmann:Global Democracy at Stake: Swiss Experiences and Taiwan's Opportunities
Taiwan's young democracy faces external threats. This talk examines Switzerland's direct democracy-referendums, initiatives, engaged citizenship - to discuss how Taiwan could similarly reinforce representative democracy.