Information Governance During Pandemic: Experiences in Managing Fake News
講題:Information Governance During Pandemic: Experiences in Managing Fake News
主講人:Rino A. Nugroho (Assistant Professor at Public Administration Department, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia)
時間:109年12月14日(一) 13:00-14:30
地點:政治所演講廳 (社SS 3010-2)
Misinformation and disinformation have been as tools that may change many aspects if it intentionally used in correct way. Covid-19 has been identified as pandemic that affects many countries. Some countries had been able to manage the pandemic at bay while others unable to cope with the virus spread and still struggle to manage the contamination This speech will discuss a systematic literature review to understand the current result on recent studies of different countries in managing misinformation and disinformation and how it might affect the pandemic situation in respected countries.
PPT連結:Rino A. Nugroho-Information Governance During Pandemic: Experiences in Managing Fake News