

課程名稱 政治學心理計量方法
教授姓名 張晉赫
課群分類 方法課群


“ I took up the course during the spring semester, and the course gave me insight into the concept of political science methods and detailed knowledge about all the possible applications of it in the many research topics. It was a very important course for me because I learned a new foundation of knowledge about the various kinds of methods in political science. The class curriculum was good; the professor offered flexibility and adjusted it based on our expectations. At the first meeting, the professor asked about our research interest, and then he gave some suggestions related to applying the suitable method. The professor also conducted interactive ways during the courses and offered valuable discussions. 
    In specifically, the classes were not only theoretical. We started with theory but then jumped into practical cases. The course provided subjects such as understanding spatial theory, applying the scaling method, treating data similarities, analyzing multivariate data, and using text as data. In my opinion, these subjects were not easy because they were something new for me, but the professor operated the R Studio as statistical software directly in the class to gave us a comprehensive understanding. To support the curriculum, the professor provides various reading materials and some mandatory articles. We need to discuss our understanding of the materials every week, and at the end of the class, the professor will explore it, share the insights, and demonstrate the processing steps in detail.
    I highly recommend this course to those interested in political science methods because the professor provided enjoyable and understandable classes. Do not hesitate to raise the questions because the professor will kindly answer them until we truly understand. Finally, I can say that this course will support us to learn political science quantitative methods in practical terms and come up with a pleasant environment. ”


The goal of this course is for students to understand, analyze, interpret, and present the research in political science using a series of psychometric methods.