

課程名稱 台灣政府與政治
教授姓名 黃韋豪
課群分類 比較政治


在台灣政府與政治的課堂中,可以感受到教授對教學的專業及熱忱,老師盡心地準備每一週的進度,並在課堂上帶領學生一起探究。雖是全英語授 課的課程,但老師也會針對不同程度的學生調整用語,確保課堂中的每一位學生都能跟上進度。 在課堂中,老師選用了許多學習的共同教材,針對個別學生的研究主題不同,老師也都會另外分享其他相關的文獻給學生參考。除此之外,老師也 設計了一些課外的評分標準,讓我們在課堂中跟著進度學習之餘,也兼顧了課外的知識學習。 總結來說是非常有收穫的一門課,老師的態度盡心盡責且富有教學耐心,課程設計也較為有趣且多元,同學間相處融洽愉快,整體上課氛圍輕鬆但 不隨便,是會想一推再推的好課!


The course will introduce how Taiwan government operates via different domestic issues so that students can have better know-how to interpret government policies and its outcomes in our daily life. By introducing theories in each part of Taiwan politics, students are expected to learn how to think critically and rethink information they received daily from the media. The first part of the course will focus on function of Taiwan central government. In the second part, we will review theories and studies on the main section of Taiwan politics: political participation. The last section will discuss Taiwan's interaction with international environment, especially with the United States and China.