

課程名稱 比較威權
教授姓名 黃韋豪
課群分類 比較政治


韋豪教授上課時會融合每個學生的報告與自己講課的內容來幫助學生的理解,並且在過程中可以盡情發言,不會感到壓力。評量方式也都在一開始 講解的很清楚,若有問題可跟老師討論。上課內容分配是採漸進方式,先讓學生理解威權的分類定義,再從中衍生到民主化與民主退化等多樣議題 ,對於沒有基礎的同學也能好好掌握。在這堂課中,收穫最多的除了「比較威權」的內容外,就是「文獻回顧」的撰寫方法,老師會一步一步讓我 們完成完整的文獻回顧,並且會在之中安排許多教授來做演講,再從演講中擷取文獻回顧技巧的重點提醒我們。另外,寫文章或報告前若有遇到問 題都可聯絡老師約時間討論,或者以郵件方式來溝通文章內容。簡而言之,若對比較政治有興趣或者想更了解文獻回顧撰寫技巧的同學都很推薦來 修此門課程。


This course aims to introduce and analyze the development of contemporary authoritarian theory and regimes. The liberal democratic system was once said to be the "end of history." However, as we enter the 21st century, the well-function of several emerging democracies is in danger. We also witness the retrogression of those old but stable democratic regimes. In contrast, with the stabilization and development of authoritarian regimes such as China and Russia, and the refurbishment of authoritarian governance techniques to compete with democratic regimes, it is even more critical to explore comparative authoritarianism. This course will introduce the theory of authoritarianism from five aspects: (1) theory of classification of democratic and non-democratic regimes, (2) types of authoritarian regimes, (3) authoritarian resilience and stability, (4) authoritarian collapse and transformation, (5) The decline of democracy and the spread of authoritarianism.