

20 Dec 2019

Egemen Bezci :Hands-on Practice of Data Journalism: A Python Workshop to Analyze News

講題:Hands-on Practice of Data Journalism: A Python Workshop to Analyze News

主講人:Egemen Bezci (University of Nottingham Doctor of Philosophy, UK)

時間:108年12月13日(五) 14:30-16:00

地點:政治所演講廳(社SS 3010-2)


The workshop introduces a hands-on experience in Python for data collection, web scrapping for data, error handling and analysis with algorithms. This workshop helps students to set up and get familiar with Python and use data to explore a specific topic for research purposes. To do so, this workshop introduces some algorithms as well, such as Rapid Automated Keyword Extraction (RAKE), and data processing practices in Python.
