

20 Dec 2019

James Gomez:Fake News and Freedom of Expression in Southeast Asia

講題:Fake News and Freedom of Expression in Southeast Asia

主講人:James Gomez(Regional Director, Asia Centre)

時間:108年12月13日(五) 10:00-12:00

地點:政治所演講廳(社SS 3010-2)

PPT連結:Fake News and Freedom of Expression in Southeast Asia


Since 2017, individual governments in Southeast Asia have established task forces, convened select committee hearings and have proposed or passed legislation to combat “fake news”. In May 2018 ASEAN ministers responsible for information agreed in a joint statement to collaborate and exchange best practices to combat fake news and mitigate its effects. These developments have occurred on the back of increased internet penetration across Southeast Asia and the sharing of content over social media through mobile devices. In this talk Dr. Gomez shares his observations and thoughts on the following questions that may be of great value for empirical studies of political communication across Southeast Asian societies: How does the issue of fake news and elections intersect? What are the key issues around the emerging legal and non-legal measures in Southeast Asia in relation to fake news? What are the effectiveness and impact of these measures? What is the impact of fake news on democracy, rule of law and freedom of expression in the region?
