
研究領域 | 民意與選舉、比較政治、政治傳播、方法論 |
最高學歷 | 美國堪薩斯大學政治學博士 |
研究室 | 社1009-1 |
電話 | 07-525-2000 分機5555 |
csliu@mail.nsysu.edu.tw |
劉正山教授畢業於台灣大學政治學系政治理論組,退伍後赴美留學,在美國堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)取得政治學碩士(2002)與博士(2006)學位。2006年學成歸國後即任教於本所,主要研究領域為政治傳播、選舉行為、民意形成、研究方法。近年主要開授課程有政治學研究方法、方法論、民意與政治行為研究、經驗研究與資料分析等。劉正山教授在博士班期間開始接觸R語言,投入R語言的教學超過十年。2018年集結上課教材出版為《民意調查資料分析的R實戰手冊》,幫助人文社科的學子更容易接軌資料科學。劉正山教授同時也是網路輿情分析平台「微笑小熊調查小棧」的創辦人,以創新的方式發掘民意偏好及資料背後的意義。
劉教授教育的理念是「把問題問對才能把事做對」以及「胸懷他人苦痛,時時想到解除自己與他人的痛苦與煩惱,才能做對的事」。為了前者,劉教授深耕研究方法的教學以及問卷調查平台潛力的開發;為了後者,劉教授致力擴展政治學門的習慣領域(Habitual Domains),一方面啟動《群書治要》的教育,培育新一代有守有為、修心修行的淑世人才,另一方面推動道德心理學在台灣的紮根,讓政治學門在中山蛻變為更在乎且重視人性的學門,展現這個匯納心理學、傳播學、管理學、領導心法學門的本來面貌。
美國堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)政治學博士(2002/5-2006/05)
美國堪薩斯大學(University of Kansas)政治學碩士(2000/8-2002/05)
美國傅爾博萊特訪問學人-俄亥俄州立大學政治學系(Fulbright Visiting Scholar, 2024/08~2025/07)
Smilepoll.tw (微笑小熊調查小棧)創辦人暨主持人(2012/02~)
北美洲台灣研究學會(North American Taiwan Studies Association)會長(2005/06-2006/07)
Pragmatism: Approaches and Practice 經世致用的途徑與實踐
Management of Political Resources and Public Goods 政治資源的經營與管理
Political Methodology 政治學方法論
Research Methods in Political Science 政治學研究方法
Quantitative Data Analysis in Political Science 政治學量化資料分析
Basic Issues in Political Science 政治學的基本問題
Simulation Methods in Social Sciences 政治學模擬研究方法
Comparative Political Theories 比較政治理論
Local Media and Political Marketing 地方媒體與政治行銷
Political Communication 政治傳播
作者 | 論文標題 | 出版日期 | 期刊名稱 | 卷 | 期 | 頁數 | 連結 |
劉正山 | 習慣領域與零極限 | 2021-03 | 習慣領域期刊 | 12 | 1 | 29-42 | |
劉正山 | 厚資料與意義探勘專刊導論 | 2019 | 問題與研究 | 50 | 2 | I-VI | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Introduction of the special issue--Social media and inquiry into political change: Collaborative approaches to confirmatory and exploratory research in the digital age. | 2018 | Issues & Studies | 3 | 54 | 1802002-1~5 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Declining news media viewership and the survival of political disagreement | 2017 | International Journal of Public Opinion Research | 29 | 2 | 240-268 | |
劉正山 | 當前政治學門之內外陰影與光明展望 | 2017 | 習慣領域期刊 | 8 | 2 | 25-45 | |
Liu, F. C.-S., Chang, R. Y. P. and Tan, A. C. | The spiral of deinstitutionalization untangled: An observation about the field opinion within Kuomintang against public opinion during the 2016 presidential election campaign. | 2017 | Issues & Studies | 53 | 2 | 1750002-1~19 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Li, Y. | Generation matters: Taiwan’s perceptions of mainland China and attitudes towards cross-Strait trade talks | 2017 | Journal of Contemporary China | 26 | 104 | 263–279 | |
Lee, I.-C., Su, J. C., Gries, P. H. and Liu, F. C.-S. | When objective group membership and subjective ethnic identification don’t align: How identification shapes intergroup bias through self-enhancement and perceived threat | 2016 | Group Processes & Intergroup Relations | 1–16 | |||
劉正山、蔡艾真 | 隱性選民之政黨意識與其政黨傾向偵測 | 2016 | 台灣政治學刊 | 20 | 2 | 65-123 | |
劉正山 | 世代之間政治認同差異的圖像:以多重對應分析結合習慣領域視野進行的探索 | 2016 | 習慣領域期刊 | 7 | 2 | 27-50 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Taiwanese voters’ political identification profile, 2013–2014: Becoming one China or creating a new country? | 2016 | Asian Survey | 56 | 5 | 931-957 | |
劉正山 | 從學佛念佛領略習慣領域的奧趣(Realizing ideal habitual domains through Pureland School Buddhism’s perspective and practice) | 2016 | 習慣領域期刊 | 7 | 1 | 39-61 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Su, Y.-S. | Adjusting survey response distributions using multiple imputation: A simulation with external validation | 2015 | 調查研究-方法與應用 | 34 | 7-32 | ||
劉正山 | 高雄民眾政治談論溝通網絡的樣貌 | 2014 | 政策與人力管理 | 5 | 1 | 49-80 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Using multiple imputation for vote choice data: A comparison across multiple imputation tools | 2014 | Open Journal of Political Science | 4 | 2 | 39-46 | |
Lee, F. L. F. and Liu, F. C.-S. | The impact of political party support on interpersonal political discussion: Survey evidence from two Chinese societies | 2014 | Asian Journal of Communication | 24 | 2 | 109-127 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Lee, F. L.-F. | Country, national, and pan-national identification in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Standing together as Chinese? | 2013 | Asian Survey | 53 | 6 | 1112-1134 | |
劉正山、朱淑華 | 不中間的中間選民:以質性方法初探有政黨傾向選民隱藏政黨傾向的原因 | 2012 | 東吳政治學報 | 30 | 4 | 177-233 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | When Taiwan identifiers embrace ROC: The complexity of state identification in Taiwan | 2012 | Issues & Studies | 48 | 2 | 1-34 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Perceived partisan heterogeneity in communication networks and changes in party choice in a national election: Evidence from Taiwan. | 2011 | International Political Science Review | 1 | 32 | 61-78 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Validation and agent-based modeling: A practice of contrasting simulation results with empirical data | 2011 | New Mathematics and Natural Computation | 7 | 3 | 515-541 | |
Liu, F. C.-S., Lin, S., You, J., Chen, Y.-T. and Sun, J.-L. | From internal validation to sensitivity test: How grid computing facilitates the construction of an agent-based simulation in social sciences | 2011 | Proceedings of Science | ||||
劉正山 | 媒體與社群:一個政治傳播學者眼中的脈絡 | 2011 | 傳播研究與實踐 | 1 | 2 | 75-82 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Chiu, A. S.-Y. | Network heterogeneity, partisan defection, and voter turnout: Examine theory with empirical data from Taiwan | 2011 | International Journal of Business and Social Science | 2 | 19 | 258-272 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Polarized news media and the polarization of the electorate | 2010 | International Journal of Artificial Life Research | 1 | 1 | 35-50 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Reconstruct partisan support distribution with multiply imputed survey data: A case study of Taiwan’s 2008 presidential election | 2010 | 調查研究-方法與應用(Survey Research) | 24 | 135-162 | ||
劉正山 | 當前審議式民主的困境及可能的出路 | 2010 | 中國行政評論 | 17 | 2 | 109-132 | |
劉正山 | 2008年總統大選競選期間政黨支持者選擇性接觸媒體傾向的分析 | 2009 | 選舉研究 | 16 | 2 | 51-70 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | The volatility of national identification: A mix-method pilot study of taiwanese young adults | 2009 | Asian Social Science | 5 | 7 | 29-40 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Modeling political individuals using the agent-based approach: A preliminary case study on political experts and their limited influence within communication networks | 2009 | Journal of Computers | 19 | 4 | 8-19 | |
劉正山 | 代理人基模擬途徑的政治學方法論根基 | 2008 | 政治科學論叢 | 36 | 149-186 | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Constrained opinion leader influence in an electoral campaign season: Revisiting the two-step flow theory with multi-agent simulation | 2007 | Advances in Complex Systems | 10 | 2 | 233-250 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Communication networks and changes in electoral choices: A study of Taiwan’s 2002 mayoral elections | 2006 | Journal of East Asian Studies | 6 | 1 | 139-158 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | A high-tech illusion or a solution? American political scientists’ perspective on E-Democracy | 2005 | 資訊社會研究 | 9 | 205-232 |
作者 | 論文標題 | 出版日期 | 專書名稱 | 編者 | 頁數 | 出版地 | 出版社 | 連結 |
劉正山 | 省察臣道:從《群書治要》與《貞觀政要》反思中階經理人的角色與使命 | 2024-11-1 | 第五屆《群書治要》與《貞觀政要》國際學術研討會暨經典現代化論壇論文集 | 黃聖松 | 247-260 | 台北 | 萬卷樓 | |
劉正山 | 多元知識論與多元方法論對政治學門帶來的啟發與契機 | 2023-07-28 | 政治學的現況與展望 | 吳重禮、吳文欽、張廖年仲 | 47-71 | 台北 | 五南 | |
Da-chi, L., Cheng-shan, L., & Bo-yu, C. | Taiwanese nationalism in the age of cross-Strait integration: Predominance and pragmatism in the Ma Ying-jiu era. | 2018 | Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu in Taiwan: Hopeful Beginning, Hopeless End? | André Beckershoff, Gunter Schubert | 59–89 | New York | Routledge | |
劉正山 | 從政治科學接軌資料科學:社科學子如何透過工具升級心態 | 2018 | 軍事社會科學大數據論壇 | 余宗基 | 3-21 | 台北 | 國防大學 | |
彭伊絹、劉正山 | 網路社會裡的政治討論、新聞閱聽與投票動能 | 2017 | 電子商務與網路社會新境界2017 | 梁定澎 | 328-341 | 台北 | 前程文化 | |
劉正山、馮浩峻、郭明賢 | 社群網路與投票動員:透過網路調查平台進行的實驗觀察 | 2015 | 電子商務與網路社會新境界2016 | 吳仁和、李錫智、梁定澎、黃三益、廖達琪 | 334-351 | 台北 | 前程文化 | |
劉正山、郭明賢 | 網路世代選民的政治參與及動員策略 | 2013 | 電子商務新境界2013 | 梁定澎 | 300-315 | 台北 | 前程文化 | |
劉正山、莊文忠 | 項目無反應資料的多重插補分析 | 2013 | 台灣選舉與民主化調查(TEDS)方法論之回顧與前瞻 | 黃紀 | 275-306 | 台北 | 五南 | |
劉正山、洪永泰 | 2012年總統大選期間年輕網路使用者的投票行為觀察 | 2013 | 網路民主:台灣iVoter投票諮詢網站建置紀實 | 廖達琪 | 61-71 | 台北 | 五南 | |
劉正山 | 當前審議式民主的困境及可能的出路 | 2011 | 審議式民主的理想與侷限 | 梁文韜 | 1-26 | 台北 | 巨流 |
作者 | 論文標題 | 出版日期 | 會議名稱 | 地點 | 主辦單位 | 連結 |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Moral foundations versus partisan affiliation: An exploratory study of voter decision-making in the 2024 U.S. presidential election | 2025-4-3 | 82nd Annual MPSA Conference | Chicago, IL, USA. | Midwest Political Science Association | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | 2024 Taiwan election: Moral reasoning & independent voter preferences | 2024-9-5 | American Political Science Association 2024 Annual Meeting | Philadelphia, PA. | American Political Science Association | |
Frank C.-S. Liu | Moral voters, political choices and mobilized reasoning- An exploratory study on Taiwan's 2024 presidential election | 2024-2-8 | the American Political Science Association Virtual Research Meeting | Online | American Political Science Association | |
劉正山 | 省察臣道:從《群書治要》與《貞觀政要》反思中階經理人的角色與使命 | 2023-10-14 | 第五屆《群書治要》與《貞觀政要》國際學術研討會暨經典現代化論壇 | 台南 | 成功大學中文系 | |
Lin, Juin-chi & Liu, Frank C.S. | Augmenting or alleviating our biases towards political elites in the post-truth era? Examining roles of social media influencers in the Taiwan 2022 local election | 2023-09-01 | American Political Science Association 2023 Annual Conference | Los Angeles, USA | American Political Science Association | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Political trust in the face of the pandemic: An exploratory comparison between Belgium and Taiwan 2021-2022 | 2023-04-13 | MPSA 80th Annual Conference | Chicago, IL, USA | Midwest Political Science Association | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Moral stances and the preservation of political trust during the pandemic | 2022.09.16 | APSA 2022 Annual Meeting | Montréal, Canada | American Political Science Association | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Morality and Political Preferences: An Exploratory Approach to Inspect the Formation of Public Opinion | 2022.04.07 | MPSA 79th Annual Conference | Chicago, USA (Hybrid Mode) | Mid-West Political Science Association | |
劉正山 | 資料偵探的搖籃:社科訓練結合資料科學對大數據產業發展的重要性 | 2021.12.17 | 國際大數據數位人文產學前沿應用教學研討會(WEDHIA 2021) | 政治大學 | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Say No to Chinese identity? Identification (mis)Measurement and overinterpretation in Taiwan | 2020 | Western Political Science Association 2020 annual meeting | J.W. Marriott, L.A | Western Political Science Association | |
Lams, L., Maekelberghe, C., & Liu, F. C.-S. | “Democracy” in Taiwanese Englishlanguage opinion press during presidential electoral periods 2008 / 2016 | 2019 | Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy | National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan | National Chung Hsing University | |
Liao, D., & Liu, F. C.-S. | How connective populism was made online: A case study of the Han tide in 2018 | 2019 | 115th American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting | Washington, D.C., USA | American Political Science Association | |
劉正山 | 國家認同概念的裂解與重組:使用網路調查資料於探索式研究的的嘗試與發現 | 2019 | 南區統計學會年會 | 臺中 | 南區統計學會 | |
Liu, F. C. S. | Democratic zeal, fake news worries, and moralized preferences: Inspecting Taiwan’s polarization patterns | 2019 | International Seminar of Regional Reflections on the Shape of Democracy, News Performance and Citizen Engagement | Leuven, Belgium | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Trust building as a magnet of online survey participation: How an open survey data platform assists theory development in social sciences. | 2018 | International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2018 Annual Conference | Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | The second wing of polls: How multiple correspondence analysis using R advances exploring associated attitudes in smaller-data. | 2018 | useR! 2018 | Brisbane, AU. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Taiwan’s democratic hope? How partisans and non-partisans perceive the function of democracy. | 2018 | 2018 IPSA 25th World Congress of Political Science | Brisbane, AU. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Democratic hope? How Taiwanese partisans and non-partisans perceive the function of democracy. | 2017 | Japanese Political Science Association 2017 Annual Conference | Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. | ||
劉正山 | 恢復政治學中的實用主義:一個課程改革芻議. | 2017 | 中國政治學會年會 | 中研院 | ||
劉正山 | 政黨認同與民主信念:意義探勘的方法論、工具方法與應用 | 2017 | 台灣政治學會2017年會 | 政治大學 | ||
劉正山 | 意義探勘怎麼做?談談如何從小資料看見大格局 | 2017 | 台灣資料科學年會 | 中研院 | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | How exploratory political studies advance our understanding about politics: A thick data approach | 2017 | Chicago, IL, USA | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | The measurement crisis in Taiwan’s identity politics: Re-evaluate the conceptualization of national and state identification | 2017 | Vancouver, BC, Canada | |||
劉正山 | 政治學中建立厚資料傳統的契機與挑戰 | 2016-11 | 中國政治學會年會 | 東華大學 | ||
劉正山 | 當前政治認同測量題關係釐清後的世代差異圖像的檢視 | 2016-10 | 台灣政治學會年會 | 世新大學 | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Transformations of Taiwanese People’s State Identity | 2016-09 | American Political Science Association (APSA) annual meeting | Philadelphia, USA | ||
劉正山 | 世代之爭爭什麼?談談如何從調查資料掘出豐厚的意義 | 2016 | 台灣資料科學協會年會 | 台北 | 台灣資料科學協會 | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | The limit of using “unification and independence” as instrument to gauge Taiwan’s identity politics | 2016 | Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. | |||
Liu, F. C.-S., Chang, R. Y. P. and Tan, A. C. | The Spiral of Deinstitutionalization Untangled:An Observation about the Field Opinion within Kuomintang against Public Opinion During the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign | 2016 | International Workshop on Parties Online | Kaohsiung, Taiwan | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Installation of public opinion sensors: How a community- based web survey platform facilitates the collection of qualitative opinion data | 2016 | Presented at the International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC 2016), | Taipei | ||
Liu, F. C. S., Chang, R. Y. P. and Tan, A. C. | The spiral of deinstitutionalization: An observation about the field opinion within Kuomintang against public opinion during the 2016 presidential election campaign | 2015 | Workshop on Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization of Party and Political Organizations | Kaohsiung, Taiwan | National Sun Yat-Sen University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | How much should we worry about the polarization effect of polarized news media? Assessment with agent-based simulation | 2015 | Annual Meeting of Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF2015) | Taipei | ||
劉正山、蔡艾真 | 隱性選民之政黨意識與其政黨傾向偵測 | 2014 | Taiwan Political Science Association 2014 Annual Meeting | Taipei, Taiwan | National Taiwan University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Li, Y.-T. | Brothers or friends? : Taiwanese voters’ perception about the relationship between the two sides of the taiwan strait | 2014 | Taiwan Political Science Association 2014 Annual Meeting | Taipei, Taiwan | National Taiwan University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Are we family? Inspecting the influence of Taiwanese people’s country, nation, culture, and civil identification on the perception of relationship with “China.” | 2014 | West Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Seattle, WA, USA | ||
Liu, F. C.-S., & Su, Y.-S. | Adjust Survey Response Distributions Using Multiple Imputation:A Simulation with External Validation | 2013 | AAPOR 2013 Annual Conference | Boston, MA, USA | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Party Identification, Social Networks, and News Media: What Agent-Based Simulation Tells Us about the Dynamics of State Identification and the Formation of Social Cleavage | 2013 | International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2013 Annual Conference | Taipei, Taiwan | Academic Sinica | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Chuang, W.-C. | Applying Multile Imputation to Item-Nonresonse Problems in Decriptive Statistice (項目無反應資料的多重插補分析) | 2012 | The Maturing of Taiwan Democracy: Findings and Insights from the 2012 TEDS Survey (『台灣選舉與民主化調查』2012年國際學術研討會:成熟中的台灣民主:TEDS2012調查資料的分析) | Taipei, Taiwan | National Taiwan University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | The decline of the politically informed electorate and the survival of political disagreement within communication networks | 2012 | 4th World Congress on Social Simulation | Taipei, Taiwan | National Cheng-Chi University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | Reconstructing the distribution of voter choice using multiple imputation: A study of Taiwan’s 2012 presidential election | 2012 | 2012 Survey Research Methodology Conference | Taipei, Taiwan | Academic Sinica | |
Liu, F. C.-S. and Lee, F. L. F. | How do you choose between Taiwan and China? An analysis of overlapping state identity and national identity | 2012 | Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Chicago, USA | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. and Lee, R. C. | Artificial intelligence and the adjustment of survey sample bias preliminary application to telephone and web survey | 2012 | Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Chicago, USA | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. and Hung, Y.-T. | Profiles and voting patterns of Taiwan “Intelligent Voters”: An observation using web-panel data | 2012 | International Workshop on E-Society Research | Kaohsiung, Taiwan | National Sun Yet-San University | |
Wang, Y.-D., Liaw, T.-M., Liu, F. C.-S., Lin, C.-Y., & Lin, S. C. | Memory effect on the voter model as non-equilibrium statistical systems | 2012 | International Symposium on Grids & Clouds 2012 | Taipei, Taiwan | Academic Sinica | |
Liu, F. C.-S., Albert S.Y. Chiu and Alexander C. Tan | The Patterns of Partisan Defection in the 2011 Mayoral Election Taiwan's Election and Democratization Studies (TEDS) | 2011-12 | 2011 International Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. and Paul E. Johnson | News Media Environment, Selective Perception, and the Survival of Preference Diversity | 2011-05 | Communication Networks Journal of Information Technology and Politics | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | From Internal Validation to Sensitivity Test: How Grid Computing Facilitates the Construction of an Agent-Based Simulation | 2011-03 | Social Sciences International Symposium on Grids and Clouds in Conjunction with the Open Grid Forum | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | 用民意善治:當前政策導向民意調查內容的反省與調整 | 2011-01 | Waseda Joint Workshop on Governance | Kaohsiung | National Sun Yat-sen University | |
Liu, F. C.-S., Chiu, A. S.-Y. and Tan, A. C. | The patterns of partisan defection in the 2011 Mayoral election | 2011 | 2011 International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study: Cities Mayoral Elections | Taipei, Taiwan | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | 當前大型調查「政治知識」概念測量有效性的再評估 | 2010-12 | 2010 Taiwan Political Science Association annual meeting | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | 你確定你是「中間選民」嗎?從媒體使用的角度尋找有政黨傾向的「中間選民」 | 2010-11 | 2010 Chinese Political Science Association annual meeting | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | 自發的公民審議如何可能?台灣高雄地區民眾談論政治行為初探 | 2010-11 | 2010 Chinese Political Science Association annual meeting | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Which Program Do you Think is the Fairest? Probing into Hidden Partisans' Voter Preferences with Alternative Survey Questions | 2010-08 | International Conference on Survey Research Methodology | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Identity Crisis or Preference Dynamics? The Nature of National Identity Problem in Taiwan | 2010-04 | 2010 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
Frank C.S. Liu | Could National Identification Take Shape through Deliberation? A Study of a Simulated Public Forum on Nation Name Choice | 2009-11 | Taiwan Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Predicting Vote Shares with Multiply Imputation: An Inspection of Telephone Survey Data Set | 2009-10 | 2009 Japanese Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Predicting Vote Shares with Multiply Imputed Survey Data: A Case Study of Taiwan's 2008 Presidential Election | 2009-09 | 9th Conference on Survey Methods and Application | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Inspect the Distribution of Partisans with Multiple Imputation: A Case Study of TEDS2008P | 2009-05 | 2009 Taiwan Electoral and Democratization Studies International Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Perceived Partisan Heterogeneity in Communication Networks and Partisan Defection in a National Election: Evidence from Taiwan | 2009-04 | 2009 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
劉正山 | 公民會議理論上的限制與近年在台灣實行的瓶頸 | 2008-3 | 台灣社會思潮變遷20年學術研討會 | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Which Program Do you Think is the Fairest? Partisan Orientation and Selective Processes | 2008-08 | 2008 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Network Heterogeneity and the Politically Independent | 2008-04 | 65th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Network Heterogeneity and Democratic Orientations: Evidence From Taiwan | 2008-04 | 65th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Deliberative Polling: An Asian Perspective | 2008-04 | 65th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference | |||
Liu, F. C.-S. | The News Media as a Cause of Polarization? An Assessment with Agent-Based Simulation | 2008-01 | International Conference on Polarized Politics in a Comparative Perspective America, South Korea, and Taiwan | |||
Frank C.S. Liu | The Methodological Base of Applying Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Political Science Research | 2007/11/18-19 | Taiwan Political Science Association Annual Conference | Taiwan | National Cheng-Chi University | |
Frank C.S. Liu | The Relationship between Network Heterogeneity and Changes in Voter Preferences: Comparing Taipei and Kaohsiung Voters in the 2006 Mayoral Elections | 2007/10/20-21 | 2007 Taiwan Electoral and Democratization Studies International Conference | Taipei, Taiwan | oochow University | |
Frank C.S. Liu | How Possible Is It to Cultivate Deliberative Democracy in Our Daily Life? An Examination of the Gap between Theoretical Expectation and Empirical Reality | 2007/09/29-30 | Chinese Political Science Association Annual Conference | Kaohsiung,Taiwan | I-Shou University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | An Observation of Kaohsiung Voters’ Selective Exposure Behavior during the 2006 Mayoral Election | 2007-07-15 | Taiwan Foundation for Democracy’s Conference on the 20th Anniversary of Lifting Marshal Law | Taipei, Taiwan | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Constrained opinion leader influence in an electoral campaign season: Revisiting the two-step flow theory with multi-agent simulation (accepted by Advances in Complex Systems) | 2007-05 | 57th Annual International Communication Association Conference | San Francisco, CA | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Frequent Political Discussion and Its Consequences | 2007-04 | 65th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Chicago, IL. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. and Paul Johnson | Media Use and the Survival of Political Disagreement: A Simulation | 2007-04 | 65th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Chicago, IL. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Simulating the Dynamics of Voter Preference: Contrasting Agent-Based Modeling Results with Empirical Data | 2007 | 103rd American Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Chicago, IL. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Political Discussion and Its Consequences: A Study of Taiwanese Voters in the 2006 Mayoral Election | 2007 | 103rd American Political Science Association Annual Meeting | Chicago, IL. | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | The Dynamics of Voter Preferences in a Polarized Media Environment during an Electoral Campaign | 2006-11 | 2006 Taiwanese Political Science Association Annual Conference | Taipei, Taiwan | National Taipei University | |
Liu, F. C.-S. | The Decline of the Politically Informed Electorate and the Survival of Political Disagreement: Exploring Media and Communication Network Effects with an Agent-Based Computer Simulation | 2006-04 | 64th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference | Chicago, IL. |
作者 | 著作標題 | 出版日期 | 出處 | 作品性質 | 摘要 | 連結 |
劉正山 | 從「誰是老三?」談民意調查的真與偽 | 2024-3 | 公民誌39期 | 雜誌專論 | ||
劉正山 | 書評:Why Elections Fail by Pippa Norris | 2016 | 台灣民主季刊 | 書評 | ||
Liu, F. C.-S. | Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement and generation politics | 2014-09-24 | China Policy Institute | Analysis | ||
劉正山 | 你可能不知道的媒體影響 | 2012 | 科學月刊 | |||
劉正山 | 同時做個學門內部的專才與跨學門的通才 | 2011-10-08 | 跨閱誌 | |||
劉正山 | 書評:Whiter Taiwan and Mainland China: National Identity, the State, and Intellectuals | 2010 | 台灣民主季刊 | 書評 | ||
劉正山 | 書評:Shoemaker, Pamela J.; Tankard, James W. & Lasorsa, Dominic L.(2004). How to Build Social Science Theories. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage. | 2009 | 政治科學季評 | 書評 | ||
劉正山 | 書評 Mutz, D.C. (2006). Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative Versus Participatory Democracy | 2007 | 政治科學季評 | 書評 |
計畫主持人 | 計畫名稱 | 補助/委託單位 | 執行期間 | 連結 |
劉正山 | 道德選民的政治抉擇與推理 | 國科會 | 2023~2024 | |
劉正山 | 110年度臺灣-比利時(MOST- FWO)雙邊合作交流計畫--COVID-19新冠肺炎下的社會極化與政治信任:比利時與台灣的比較研究 初探 | MOST | 2021~2022 | |
劉正山 | 道德感與政治偏好:以探索式分析途徑解析民意形成 | 科技部 | 2020~2023 | |
劉正山 | 國家正當性的認知內涵與測量:厚資料方法論的視角及網調方法的應用 | 2017-2020 | ||
劉正山 | 厚資料知識建構學術研究群 | 2017 | ||
劉正山 | 聽風觀風與追風:透過厚數據平台及視覺化軟體開發來探索台灣民眾對 敏感性政治議題之偏好流動及其意義 | 2016-2018 | ||
劉正山 | Taiwanese Voters’ Perception and Attitudes about Cross-Straight Relationship: Exploring Generation and Geographical Gaps Using Mixed-Mode Surveys | 2015-2017 | ||
劉正山 | Partisan Orientations of Invisible Voters | 2012-2015 | ||
劉正山 | Open Survey Data in E-Soceity: A Web-Survey System that Incorporates Telephone Surveys | 教育部頂尖大學計畫 | 2011-2015 | |
劉正山 | Is It Your Identification or Prefernce? An Exploration for a Theory of the Volatility of National Identification | 2009-2012 | ||
劉正山 | How do polarized news media influence “the Independent” ? | 2008-2009 | ||
劉正山 | The consequence of the decline of politically interested voters | 2007-2008 | ||
劉正山 | An Agent-Based Model for the Dynamics of Voter Preferences: Contrasting Simulation Results with Empirical Data Analysis | 2007-2008 |
獲獎人 | 獎項名稱 | 獲獎時間 | 頒獎單位 | 連結 |
劉正山 | 傅爾布萊資深學者研究獎助金 Fulbright Senior Research Award | 2024.7 | Department of State, USA | |
劉正山 | 109學年度第1學期「全英語課程」獎勵 -- 政治學方法論(博士班) | 2021-06-03 | 國立中山大學 | |
劉正山 | Taiwan Studies Chair | 2019 | MOE - KU Leuven, Belgium | |
劉正山 | 國防大學政戰學院榮譽校友 | 2019 | 國防大學政戰學院 | |
劉正山 | Visiting Scholarship - University of California Berkeley, USA | 2013-2014 | 教育部 | |
劉正山 | 中山大學社科院年輕學者獎 | 2011 | 中山大學 | |
劉正山 | 台法前鋒科學論壇台灣社會科學學門代表 | 2011 | ||
劉正山 | 中山大學社會科學院優良教學獎 | 2009 | 中山大學 | |
劉正山 | 台灣大學社會科學高等研究院訪問學者 | 2009 | 台灣大學 | |
劉正山 | College Mentor Award(中山大學社會科學院全院優良導師獎) | 2008 | 中山大學 | |
劉正山 | 中山大學全校優良導師獎 | 2008 | 中山大學 |
日期 | 篇名/標題 | 媒體出處 | 連結 |
2024-01-13 | 三分天下局面、中國牌隱沒效應,以及反菁英民情 | ETtoday新聞雲 | |
2024-01-13 | 高雄李眉蓁敗選關鍵揭曉!黃捷抓緊年輕選票 美女刺客李明璇難敵老將 | 網路溫度計 | |
2024-01-13 | 新竹縣市立委誰勝出?柯文哲胞妹柯美蘭敗選 王婉諭空戰不敵林思銘深耕 | 網路溫度計 | |
2024-01-13 | 葉元之激戰險勝!私密片外流風暴殺傷羅致政 吳琪銘現任優勢勝出 | 網路溫度計 | |
2024-01-13 | 台北吳思瑤三連霸!5字解釋「孤鳥」高嘉瑜為什麼會輸? | 網路溫度計 | |
2024-01-13 | 台北「小英女孩」吳沛憶擊退鍾小平、于美人 賴士葆完成六連霸 | 網路溫度計 | |
2024-01-12 | 獅城有約 十分訪談:台灣總統選舉 各政黨為拉票最後衝刺 | 8World新聞網(新加坡) | |
2024-01-12 | 選戰倒數 2024總統藍綠白誰出線? 國會三強鼎立 小黨生存保衛戰? | 公共電視 南部開講 | |
2023-12-02 | 中山大學打造我國首個投票諮詢系統iVoter APP今日上線 | 中時新聞網 | |
2023-12-02 | 中山大學打造我國首個投票諮詢系統iVoter APP今日上線 | 工商時報 | |
2023-12-02 | 你與候選人的距離 臺灣首個投票諮詢系統 政黨議題立場配對平台iVoter上線 | 民報 | |
2023-12-02 | iVoter2.0政黨議題立場配對平台上線 智慧投票有參考 | 自由時報 | |
2023-12-02 | 搞懂政黨與自身立場 台灣首個投票資訊系統iVoter上線 | 聯合新聞網 | |
2023-12-02 | 中山大學開發投票諮詢系統 15議題配對政黨立場 | 中央社 | |
2023-09-19 | 2023《天下》縣市調查:「標竿首長」出列!六都為何都沒上榜? | 天下雜誌第782期 | |
2023-09-03 | Dissecting Ko: Why young people seem to favor the TPP presidential candidate | CNA News (Focus Taiwan) | |
2023-07-04 | 中共干預台灣大選新手法:“降低干擾”以退為進? | VOA | |
2023-05-17 | 確定參選台灣總統 國民黨侯友宜怎談兩岸? | 德國之聲 | |
2023-05-17 | Taiwan opposition party picks New Taipei mayor, a former police chief, as its presidential candidate | AP News | |
2023-02-20 | 放棄臺獨,中共就不會武力侵臺?朱立倫岳父基金會民調:62.7%民眾不同意 | 沃草 | |
2023-02-17 | 最新「台海安全民調」出爐 僅1成民眾認為若兩岸戰爭美會派兵來台 | 風傳媒 | |
2023-02-17 | 民調:認大陸和平、盼增經貿往來 這年齡層最高 | 中時新聞網 | |
2022-11-27 | 綠票倉鬆動? 南高屏綠營險勝 學者:中央執政.派系拖累 | TVBS新聞 | |
2022-11-26 | 決戰2022九合一選舉特別報導 | 公視 | |
2022-11-25 | 2022九合一大選 百里侯最後決戰 誰能突圍? | 公共電視 南部開講 | |
2022-10-07 | 韓國瑜全力輔選許崑源女兒 許采蓁:叔叔對選情加分 | 王慧瑛、蔡容喬(聯合報) | |
2022-10-01 | 高雄參選人同區廝殺少 小黨聯手跨區打高射砲為哪樁? | 聯合報 | |
2022-09-20 | 林智堅雲霄飛車式下墜、柯文哲連年墊底 他們為何搞丟明星光環? | 天下雜誌 | |
2022-09-20 | 2022天下縣市調查:綠營拿下冠亞軍、藍營七朵花疲軟 年底選舉有何衝擊? | 天下雜誌 | |
2022-09-16 | 藍綠港都再對決 邁爭取連任.柯拚翻轉 | 華視新聞 | |
2022-09-13 | 柯志恩支持度上升!這年齡層拓票最艱困 學者揭這群人特性 | 聯合報 | |
2022-02-26 | 普京戰爭劇本細膩不致上升全球對抗 | 香港中評網 | |
2021-11-19 | 綠強攻反萊豬公投 劉正山:因涉對美承諾 | 高易伸(中評社) | |
2021-11-19 | 【投書】 拜登的「獨立」說 台灣人應該這樣解讀 | 上報 | |
2021-11-17 | 習拜會後 台灣將面對兩大強權攤牌 | 高易伸(中評社) | |
2021-10-29 | 中國大學戀愛課爆滿 能起到鼓勵結婚生育的作用嗎? | 陳筠(美國之音) | |
2021-10-08 | 台灣社會反中格局是朱立倫大挑戰 | 高易伸(中評社) | |
2021-10-07 | 台灣協議無台灣參與 令人細思極恐 | 高易伸(中評社) | |
2021-09-04 | 陳其邁審慎拆除疫情炸彈 民調出爐獲肯定 | 民視新聞 | |
2021-08-23 | 拜登引發美國混亂 劉正山:民主黨開始分裂 | 中評社 | |
2021-08-15 | 阿富汗變天 劉正山:美國國際形象受挫 | 蔣繼平(中評社) | |
2021-03-29 | 年輕人「怕麻煩」祭祖花錢了事? | 蔡容喬、陳雅玲、吳淑君(聯合報) | |
2020-12-30 | 凡尔赛文学是末日文学?看中共言论控制的年轻化与再进化 | 陈筠(美國之音VOA) | |
2020-08-11 | 2年拚4年!陳其邁小內閣名單出爐 學者:平衡派系 年輕面孔成亮點 | 民視新聞 | |
2020-07-20 | 不只是選舉調查 政治所劉正山創「微笑小熊」線上民調平台 | 李璨宇(中山新聞) | |
2020-06-07 | 【投書】罷韓,又一場世代對抗之戰 | 蘋果日報 | |
2020-06-06 | 高雄人創歷史! 過與不過都寫下民主新頁 | 廖雅玉、朱光弘(TVBS) | |
2020-06-06 | 「最討厭外縣市的人問你發財了沒」 韓國瑜怎麼被高雄人罷掉的? | 天下雜誌 | |
2020-06-04 | 【投書】罷韓,一場道德之戰 | 風傳媒 | |
2020-02-27 | Taiwan is standing up as an independent nation. But China won't make it easy | Antony Funnell (ABC News) | |
2019-08-27 | 培育「資料偵探」 中山師大跨域合作首建厚數據培訓平台 | 中山大學 | |
2018-11-09 | 高雄選舉肉搏巷戰 直搗對手鐵票區 | 錢怡君(TVBS) | |
0023-12-02 | 中山大學開發投票諮詢系統 15議題配對政黨立場 | 華視 |