

Taiwan Europe Connectivity Workshop at the CCKF-ERCCT, University of Tübingen, Germany Summer 2022

The European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan - A CCK Foundation Overseas Center at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany, will hold a workshop for emerging young scholars, i.e. Ph.D. students (3rd year and above) and postdocs, from 10 to 16 July, 2022. The main topic for the workshop is "Taiwan’s Pandemic Management and Domestic Politics".

Other paper submissions pertaining to the fields of Taiwan politics, society, economics and cross-strait relations are also highly welcomed.

This established format provides participants from Taiwan and Europe with the opportunity to

- present their research to an international audience of peers

- engage in scholarly exchange on theory and methodology

- discuss publication strategies

- get to know Tübingen, the CCKF-ERCCT and Tübingen university

Travel expenses and accommodation will be fully covered by the CCKF-ERCCT. Successful applicants are requested to submit a research paper after the workshop for online publication in the CCKF-ERCCT Online Paper Series. 

For application, please send your CV and an outline of your research project (5-6 pages) until 15 February, 2022 to:

Stefan Braig, M.A.

ERCCT Managing Director

Mail: stefan.braig@uni-tuebingen.de