

Keiichi Kubo-Electoral Cycles, Ideological Orientations and the Framing Computational Text Analysis of the Newspaper Articles in Serbia

Dear IPS students, 
in accordance with current NSYSU measures against the Covid 19, we are sorry to announce that the following lectures are cancelled. IPS will try to re-arrange the lectures in other days. Further information will be informed.


講題:Electoral Cycles, Ideological Orientations and the Framing: Computational Text Analysis of the Newspaper Articles in Serbia

主講人:Keiichi Kubo (Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda university 早稻田大學, JAPAN)

時間:110年5月26日(三) 16:00-18:00

地點:政治所演講廳(社SS 3010-2)



The political actors and the mass media tend to adopt different frames in commenting and reporting politically sensitive and divisive issues. How can we systematically capture the variance in framing on such issues? This talk will demonstrate how to find the determinants of the variance in framing, by applying semi-supervised machine learning (via R) to a corpus of a large number of newspaper articles regarding Serbia issues.


