

芮宗泰:Guide to Academic and Scientific Publication for Social Sciences and Education


講題:Guide to Academic and Scientific Publication for Social Sciences and Education
主講人:Timothy S. Rich(Associate Professor, Western Kentucky University, USA)
地點:演講廳(社SS 3010-2)

The Institute of Political Science invites Dr. Timothy S. Rich, Associated Professor at Western Kentucky University for a workshop on empirical research and publication. After earning his PhD degree in 2012 at Indiana University Bloomington, he has published over 40 peer-reviewed publications on the domestic and international politics of East Asia. He has also proved himself as a good mentor for undergraduate students to develop their research skills ultimately to result in students’ independent Honors theses or coauthored peer-reviewed and news publications with him. Workshop participants are expected to obtain valuable lessons to be a passionate and productive scholar. They will learn how to develop a series of good research questions, match those ideas with the status of discipline, conduct quality research to share with academia and/or general audience effectively and strategically.

Timothy S. Rich(芮宗泰)博士於2012年自Indiana University Bloomington取得博士學位後,7年內發表了超過40篇的關於東亞以及國際政治的文章。他為何有如此旺盛的寫作動機?本演講邀請他這位新興學者與同學分享在研究路上帶來一些心得,協助同學在思考學術生涯及論文著作的心態上更上層樓。
