

30 September, Extended deadline for the Short-Term Resident Fellow Programme

Short-Term Resident Fellow Programme

In the Short-Term Resident Fellow Programme, the ERCCT invites two Ph.D. students or postdoc researchers from Europe and Taiwan each year to join the centre in Tübingen for a period between three and six months.
the ERCCT extends the deadline for applications for the Short-Term Resident Fellow Programme 2024, to September 30, 2023.

Invited fellows will be granted a monthly allowance of EUR 400, basic health insurance, and a one time travel grant of EUR 600. They will be provided with office space and enjoy the opportunity to discuss projects and exchange ideas with ERCCT Fellows and Visiting Scholars working at the ERCCT. Short term resident fellows are encouraged to present their ongoing research in a Taiwan Colloquium. Moreover, they are invited to take part in the center’s mani-fold academic activities.  Working languages at the ERCCT are English and Mandarin, German language skills are hence not required.

Interested applicants should submit an academic CV, an exposé of their Ph.D. or postdoc research project of no longer than 10 pages, and a letter of recommendation by a professor of the institution where they are enrolled/affiliated. Please also state the intended duration of your stay. 

For further details please see: 
