

Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner-Yiu : Facing Uncertainty: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Future


  • 講題:
    Facing Uncertainty: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Future
  • 時間:4/12 (三)10:00-11:30
  • 講者:
        Prof. Raymond Saner
        Titular professor of Economics & Management Department, Basle University, Switzerla-nd
  • Prof Raymond Saner is Titular professor at Basle University (Economics & Management Department) and has taught at Sciences Po, Paris (Trade & Development of Low Income Development Countries) and at Lüneberg University (Environmental Negotiations).

         He is reviewer and partner of research projects and co-founder of CSEND, a Geneva based NGRDO with ECOSOC accreditation and consultative status. He is involved with the 2030 Agenda since 2013, was Moderator at the Second HLPF meeting under the auspices of ECOSOC,  Author of a chapter on science-policy interface for the GSDR Report 2015, Member of the drafting committee of Chapter 6 on LDCs, SIDS and LLDCs and member of the UNECE PPP Bureau 2019-2021. 

         He co-chairs the academic network of the OECD Guidelines on Business and Human Rights, is member of the UN Task Force on Solidarity and Social Ent-erprises and expert in CSR quality standards. Professor Saner holds a Ph.D. in psychology from UGS University Ohio, a Master in Education from Lesley Univer-sity, Cambridge USA, and a License in Economics and Trade from Basle University. He has studied Sociology at the University of Freiburg i.Br in Germany and is author of 15 books, 35 book chapters and 45 referred journal articles.


Prof. Lichia Saner-Yiu
    President and co-founder of the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), Switzerland


  • Prof Lichia Saner-Yiu is president and co-founder of the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND)- a 30 year old NGO based in Geneva and accredited by ECOSOC in special consultative status.

         She is an expert in Organisational Development & Institutional Learning and is active in policy debates, strategic analysis and designing of public administr-ative reforms. She teaches at different universities in Japan, Italy and Switzerland on management and leadership, human resource development (micro and ma-cro) and the 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs including: Author of academic publications on the SDGs (city, education, poverty, data and monitoring, and institution-al capacity building), Co-convener and presenter for the SD Learning Module on Monitoring and Review at the 2015 HLPF; Reviewer of the 2015 Global Sustain-able Development Report, Contributor to Regional SDG Consultation Meetings and Director of CSEND’s Summer School on Global Leadership & SDG since 2015.

        Prof. Saner-Yiu was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Columbia University, New York, 1983-1984 and has an Ed.D. in Organisational Psychology from Indiana Univ-ersity, USA. She has published books and more than 80 articles in academic journals. Her newest book co-authored with Raymond Saner, Roland Bardy and Ar-thur Ruben is titled “Public Goods, Sustainable development and the Contributions of Business” (2021)

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