

Julia Christine Marinaccio:Parties and Voters abroad: Transnational Electoral Mobilisation in Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Elections


講題:Parties and Voters abroad: Transnational Electoral Mobilisation in Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Elections

主講人:Julia Christine Marinaccio

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bergen, Norway

Visiting Scholar, Institute of Political Science, NSYSU


地點:政治所演講廳(社SS 3010-2)



This lecture examines emigrants’ participation in homeland elections in the context of the institutional absence of an external voting system. Deploying a case study in a Taiwanese community in Vienna (Austria) and a mixed-methods design, it tackles the processes, actors, and practices of transnational electoral mobilisation during the 2020 presidential elections in Taiwan. Associations serve as important entry points for politicians, and as platforms for individuals to rally political support.


 Articles of the speaker for your reference :
Dealing With the Absence of Absentee Voting: Transnational Electoral Mobilisation in Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Elections. China Perspectives 130, 2022, 29-39. https://doi.org/10.4000/chinaperspectives.14184 
A Norwegian Soul in a Chinese Body: Ethnic Identity of Adopted Chinese in Norway. Societies 12(4), 2022, p.117. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc12040117 (Co-authored together with Guowen Shang as first author and Tuathla Lai Honne as third author, University of Bergen)
Spatializing the State through Forest Surveys: Practices of Representing Verticality and Encompassment in the Early Years of the People’s Republic of China. In Elisabeth Kaske & Elisabeth Köll (eds.), The Age of Exploration. [Forthcoming]


